Stan’s students have ranged from four-year old beginners and school-age students to music school teachers and symphony orchestra members. His high school students have gone on to become concertmasters in state youth orchestras, and have received scholarships to study music at prestigious conservatories. Most importantly, they all continue loving music and cherish their special connection to it.
This spring, every student of Stan’s who auditioned for advanced regional youth orchestras (at NEC, BYSO, and Tufts) was accepted!
Stan’s teaching philosophy combines various technical and physical fundamentals, advice on how to practice, and musical inspiration. The goal is to create in the mind of the students — children and adults, amateurs and professionals — a dynamic, a color, an articulation, and a mood. Then, the practicing becomes focused and techniques can be mastered and perfected. Stan’s students experience wonderful results, achieving a relaxed, simple posture with the instrument, and quickly attaining a high level of playing.